Friday, August 17, 2012

A word of caution

If you are taking a reality based self-defense class practicing realistic scenarios, or just you and an equally enthusiastic partner practice together in your back yard, any technique, tactic, or strategy you learn should be used, if possible, with only enough force to stop your opponent. You don't have to even use force equal to your attackers necessarily.
Also, you should never use any move you've learned to bully people or go around looking for trouble. You should only use what you've learned when you have no other option, including the option of running away. Try never to strike a vital spot that can possibly result in death unless you cannot run, and you are in reasonable, absolute, fear for your life. The best self-dense tactic is just avoid bad situations, be aware of your surroundings, including sounds, and walk straight and tall like you are confident of yourself. While being aware of other people in the area, do not stare at them. Merely glance at them to acknowledge that you're aware of them. A stare can be interpreted as a challenge or as a sign of fear. Also, stay away from areas of a city or town if you know they have a bad reputation and crime.

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