Saturday, December 18, 2010

Avoidance and Environmental Awareness

The best way to stay out of trouble is to avoid it. If you go to places like bars and nightclubs, or areas of  towns or neighborhoods known for a lot of criminal activity, then you are taking the potential risk of encountering violence. Back alleys and dead end alleys are also hot spots for trouble. These places take on an even greater potential for trouble in the hours of nighttime. If, for some reason, you find yourself in one of these areas then you must remain alert and aware. Be environmentally aware; this means to take notice of every sound and try to identify its source and direction. Take notice of other people you may encounter at such times, and make a mental assessment based on their facial expressions and body language whether they present a potential threat. Don't stand there looking them up and down as this might be considered a challange. Just take quick notice and absorb as much information about their demeanor as you can. Be aware of your surroundings, take stock of anything in the immediate environment that could be used as an improvised weapon should the need arise. Things like metal trash cans or trash can lids, bricks or stones laying about, fire hydrants that you can push someone over, chairs (in bars or nightclubs) that can be used for the same purpose, or that can be used in lion tamer fashion. When you first enter into an area or a bar take an immediate assessment of avenues of escape should you need to make a quick exit. Take notice of anything that can be used as an obstacle, such as tables or desks. Never do anything that will detract from your senses, like listening to headphones or talking on a cell phone, or texting, when you're out walking. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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